A Life of Continuous Learning

Take life as if you are in a journey of discovery. You want to understand how things work. Limiting our minds to a set of information we took in school, in college or experiences will have limited results on our own lives. Continuous learning is a mindset. That humbling way of life whereby we acknowledge deep inside of us that there are many things to learn and discover prior taking a certain pre conception about a certain topic.

Continous learning can become a loyal guard against negative ideas or confusion. Those thoughts constantly spinning in your thoughts will ease, and the mind will open up to new information and data. The more you read, the more you grow. The more you meet people and share ideas about a certain topic, the more confident and intuitive you become.

When it comes to insurance, try taking it as a quest to learn more about your insurance contracts, to discuss clauses with your broker and raise the bar into simulation examples, whereby you both inagine a certain type of incident and see how the insurer will assist in this case. You will be surprised how interesting the encounter will become and you will have a clear view about how knowledgeable your insurance broker is, and if not, try to raise your bar higher to a more insightful insurance community. A community where questions are welcomed and where both you and the community can learn from each others. It makes a big difference...