Our Insurer Relationship Principles

As insurance agents, we have established a set of principles that will guide us in building a healthy relationship with the insurer to be able to serve our clients best and to keep a leverage in negotiating grey area claims and earn ex-gracia covers.

UNDERSTAND: We are keen on reading and anazlyzing intensively the underwriting guidelines of the insurer to understand its risk appetite, thereby placing business with the minimum friction, knowing that issuance orders will be based as per the underwriting guidelines.

PRESENT RISKS: We are clear, consistent in our format, and rich in information when submiting a risk. The process will allow us to obtain the right terms quickly and more efficiently.

BUILD RELATIONSHIPS: We believe in building good relationships with insurer's personnel. A relationship nurtured in honesty and transparency. With a positive mental attitude we address our concerns and we are always thankful for any extra support.

PLACE SUFFICIENT PREMIUMS: We place sufficient volume of business, and make sure that our portfolio is well balanced in terms of insurance lines. We make sure that there is profitability and a well established mutual interest with our insurer. Should we spot a certain negative loss ratio, we make sure to compensate by providing additional business.

A well established relationship with the insurer will reflect positively on our clients. And since we are customer centric in the depth our existence, we make sure our relationships are well founded and stable.