Realism. How Dreamers Evolve.

We all hear about the term 'plateau'. It is the phase whereby leaders, after being motivated and passionate about a certain idea, get hit by difficulties and major obstacles. Elon Musk describes it as 'eating glass and looking at the abyss'. This is why many entrepreneurs fail (approximately 90%). When dreams crash into reality and the shock is more than one can bare, demotivation sets in and the main drive for research and growth fade.

It is essential for leaders to deal with their plans with radical realism. Although this statement may be harsh, it is true. By approaching our studies and findings with an open mind and taking into account that we might be wrong, everything changes and work become more joyful. The toxic sense of urgency calms down and leaders become wiser in their decision process and more agile in dealing with set backs. Realism allows leaders to seriously take into account a clear risk management contingency plan and write down a list of things that might jeapordize their plans.

Mainly, the set backs and failures are due to financial and financing difficulties. This is why, it is important that entrepreneurs jump start their small businesses in the maximum efficient manner, functioning at minimum cost and focusing on laying the foundations of their business while postponing investments related to growth. In this way, they save a lot of stress and can focus calmly on reviewing their plans, testing them and readjusting.

Insurance and a good risk management as well as seeing things as they are and not as our emotions would color them give seed companies a high chance of success.